We are a group of cafes that aims to provide affordable, quality eats and drinks to customers. Our first Reedz Cafe opened at NUS Prince George’s Park Residences in 2007.  The outlet which served hot meals till 2am was a big hit with hostelites who studied till late.

Our next outlet was at the NUS Business School, we were there for 6 years, forging many close relationships with the staff, students and alumni. During that time, we also opened 2 salad-bar concept Reedz Cafe outlets at NUS Bukit Timah Campus and at Science Park 2, The Alpha.

In 2017, we opened next to the NUS Business School at the NUS Shaw Foundation Alumni House to the delight of many of our old customers. Our newest to the family is our Reedz Cafe outlet at SMU Administration Building which opened in 2019.

We would like to thank everyone for your support over the years and hope that you can visit us again soon! 😊

Coffee Bean

Premium grills and Plates

Each plate served is marinated and grilled fresh.

Coffee Bean

Affordable Prices

Prices for most mains have remained under $10 since we opened.

Coffee Bean

comfortable environment

A place to hang out with friends and have meaningful conversations.